Oligoclase is really a types of plagioclase feldspar. The range utilized in jewellery is known as sunstone or, less commonly, aventurine feldspar. It's reflective inclusions of red, orange, or green platy crystals, which provide a metallic glitter. Sunstone might be faceted or carved - frequently cabochons.
Sunstone happens in metamorphic and igneous rocks in Norway, the United States, India, the first kind USSR, and Canada.
Properties Chemical Composition:
Aluminum silicate of potassium, sodium and calcium. KAlSi
3 O
8 . Isomorphous series made up of Albite (Na), Oligoclase, Andesine, Labradorite, Bytownite and Anorthite (Ca) where the two end member are NaAlSi
3 O
8 and CaAl
2 Si
2 O
8 .
Colors / Varieties:
Plagioclase :
Albite: Moonstone (orthoclase-albite) Labradorite : Transparent (white, grey, yellow); Phenomena: chatoyancy, asterism, play of color i.e., labradorescence); Spectrolite : dark background with play of color.Oligoclase: Sunstone: Phenomena: aventurescent, chatoyancy Crystal System / Forms:
Triclinic System
Specific Gravity:
2.63 - 2.72
Cleavage / Fracture:
Easy 2 directional / Uneven.
Optic Character:
D.R. ; Biaxial negative
Refractive Index / Birefringence:
1.542 - 1.549 / 0.00
Platelets of goethite, copper,
hematite , fingerprints and crystal inclusions.
U.V. Fluorescence:
Not characteristic.
Cause of Color:
Aventurescent effect due to reflections from metallic inclusion like
hematite , goethite or copper.
Treatment (Enhancement):
Simulants (with key separation tests):
Sunstone simulated by aventurine
quartz (structure), goldstone glass (inclusions).
Geological Occurrence:
Igneous rocks, pegmatite.
U.S.A. (Oregon), India, Kenya, Norway, Russia.
Cuts & Uses:
Facetted, cabochon, beads and carving.